Money makes the world go round. Without money, then you can't make anything in this world. Too much money can make your world up side down too! Money, money, money! What's wrong with it?
Money is not the problem; The people who holds them are! Budgeting is not a jargon word to those who receives money -- in whatever way it maybe. One thing that separates the rich and poor is how well they do their budgeting. Again, Money is not the problem in life -- it's the way people handle them that make the issues.
What seems to be the quick fix for this dilemma is to have that plastic-card-that-has-visa-or-master card-in-it -- CREDIT CARDS. Having one can be an advantage but can also be a disadvantage depends on the person owning one.
One idea that made credit cards to reality is the idea of spending cashless. This idea isn't far from gambling. Say, you went to a casino; exchange your money to chips; then spend.. and spend.. and spend. Little did you know, you've lost your cash. Same bright idea in credit cards. You spend without seeing your money; keep on spending until you reach your limit and little did you know-- BAM! it hits you, you're broke!
This experience teaches a person on how to truly value money. Not treating it as a god nor not doing anything to get money. Money, in the right perspective can be a good helper. Spend what you can, and pay your dues in time will definitely help you in getting out of debt.
Money really makes the world go round. It can make your world go round and round! It's a liberating experience to own a credit card but owning one requires to have a great responsibility.
Be responsible with your money. Be responsible to pay.
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